
Los York ®

Award winning creative laboratory.

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Los ® films

Creative Production with global nomads.

Los York ® label

Unique apparel without boundaries.

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Los York ® world ↗

General inquiries

[ T ] 310.399.6047

[ E ] info@losyork.tv

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Let's Chat

Melina Osornio-Andrade

[ T ] 505.401.3505

[ E ] melina@losyork.tv

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Films inquiries

Chris Abitol

[ T ] 213.265.0728

[ E ] chris@losyork.tv

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Motorola Saltare In Giro

Campaign Development,Creative Direction,Design,Digital Content,Social Content

Saltare In Giro is the result of a creatively courageous client with a simple brief. Launch Motorola’s reimagined, iconic flip phone in Pantone® Color of the Year, Viva Magenta, while highlighting razr’s ability to function as its own hands-free tripod. Ft. fashion, dance, and House of Pain’s iconic track, re-recorded in Italian. Which consequently is what Saltare In Giro means…we think.

General inquiries

[ T ] 310.399.6047

[ E ] info@losyork.tv

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Let's Chat

Melina Osornio-Andrade

[ T ] 505.401.3505

[ E ] melina@losyork.tv

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Films inquiries

Chris Abitol

[ T ] 213.265.0728

[ E ] chris@losyork.tv

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Los York ®

Award winning creative laboratory.

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Los ® films

Creative Production with global nomads.

Los York ® label

Unique apparel without boundaries.

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Los York ® world ↗

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